Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Chapter 10: Nest of Vipers

            Morgan had been roused from her sleep by a sharp jerk of the barge. Up until now, the rolling arsenal had made a smooth journey with little bumps here and there. At the moment, it appeared it had made an official stop. Morgan stretched her aching limbs and yawned loudly. Concentrating on the hold’s walls, she tried to make out their surroundings. Gone were the dense forests and pitch dark skies. She was treated to a loading dock busy with activity; soldiers unloading and disembarking left and right; mechanics making fast work of necessary repairs and refueling the vehicles.
            Something caught Morgan’s eye. Her heart immediately escalated as she watched armored guards unloaded her troops from the barge. They were encased in long, gel-filled cylinders atop of three large flatbeds, three to four soldiers at a time. Wires and electrodes crisscrossed their bodies and each appeared to be unconscious yet conscious. Morgan noted Delta’s absence. She tried to get a read through the hold walls, but immediately felt the tiny tingles of the jolt remitting back to her. She eased off quickly and watched where they were being lead to instead. Soon, the flatbeds disappeared out of the loading dock.
            Morgan turned from the hold wall and began to focus on the plan ahead. She had very little time and needed to make the most of it. First order of business was establishing communications with her internal contact. She had been given very little intel on who they were. The second order of business was conferring with Ginz all the security details she discovered from Kevlar. However, her thoughts were interrupted when the hold door slid open.
            A stout gentleman walked into the hold carrying a pail of tools. Behind him were the guards to her cell. Soon, Aries Forte walked in with even more soldiers who proceeded to surround Morgan. She merely glanced their way before focusing her attention on Forte.
            “What’s with the early morning rise?” she demanded.
            “You’ll be transferred out of the barge and presented before the royal council,” he replied looking over his orders on the screen of his Spry-1 communicator. It was a device that resembled an old PDA of the 21st century, but depending on a person’s rank and file it could contain important security protocol. Not all Spryten soldiers carried them, but those who did guarded them with their lives. Morgan smirked at how she warranted such precautionary measures.
            “I guess they just couldn’t wait to see me,” she replied. “What of my officers?”
            “For the time being, you will not need that information,” was all he said before issuing orders to the men. “I want a level 8 Transfer initiated. I want guards alerted on all levels of the barge as well as the loading dock. I need a level 5 Containment within the Royal Council Chambers, with snipers covering all essential Royals and escape routes. Be sure to alert the Secretary of Defense that the prisoner will land on the doorstep in 20 minutes.”
            Morgan watched one soldier leave the hold then turned her attention to the stout man behind Aries. He stood by as if awaiting an order.
            “What’s with the shorty?” she asked, her stare making the little man uncomfortable.
            Aries, as if just remembering the man, replied, “Oh, him? He’s here to check those bonds that ‘broke’ on you last night and ensure the ones we place on you now don’t break.”
            Morgan smirked again. “Was this a gift from your general?”
            Aries smirked back and indicated to the man to begin working. The stout man immediately went to work on the ceiling, pulling over a ladder to reach it. Morgan ignored him and proceeded to assess options. She could simply break from the hold and check how far she’d get on the loading dock; but after hearing the security levels doled out, she was quite sure the barge exits were all covered.
            One of the soldiers leaned closer to Aries and whispered something in his ear. Aries nodded immediately and added, “There is a SOS order on the security protocols. Let them all know that. No one is to approach the prisoners.”
            The soldier quickly radioed ahead the order. Morgan was intrigued. “What’s a SOS order?”
            “Shoot On Sight,” he said, not looking her way. “You attempt to break loose. We have orders to eliminate. I wouldn’t try anything if I were you.”
            Morgan was slightly taken aback by that order. “I take it his royal highness isn’t taking any chances.”
            “No, his son isn’t. The order was issued from him,” Aries said relishing the dig.
            Morgan was really surprised, but kept it to herself, along with any other questions. The mechanic jumped down from the ladder with the chain and whispered to Aries. He glanced at her briefly, then the cuffs. Aries shook his head disgustedly before growling, “How’d you do it?”
            “What?” Morgan asked.
            “How did you short the neurocuffs?” he demanded. “Cenzo said something looked odd on the surveillance, but damn…”
            “I have no idea what you’re talking about,” Morgan returned, knowing full well what he was referencing. “Like I said, one minute I was hanging like a side beef the next I was on the floor. What did shorty surmise?”
            “He ran a diagnostic check and it turned up a foreign jolt, meaning something outside the regular circuitry broke your cuffs,” he explained.
            “Well now,” Morgan shrugged. “How could I have done anything if I was bound and asleep?”
            Aries sneered then turned to the man to say, “We can’t trust a neurocuff to hold her. I need something that can’t be disrupted.”
            “Sir, I recommend the prisoner be sedated,” the mechanic suggested. “The leather can be cut, the neurocuffs can be breached and she’s too much of a risk to leave unbound.”
            Morgan looked from the mechanic to Aries, who seemed annoyed by this turn of events. He checked his Spry-1 and realized he needed a decision now. Clicking his ear piece, he said, “We have a hold up in Transfer. Prisoner is not secure. Need resolution from General.”
            He listened intently and his face registered news that did not sit well. “Cenz, are you insane? How many men are you putting in danger with a move like that?”
            He listened again then his eyes fell on Morgan. “This is too risky. You’ve seen what she’s capable of.” Another exchange followed then Aries sighed and pressed the speaker module on the Spry-1.
            “I want your assurance that you will behave on this transfer, Morgan,” Vicenzo’s deep voice echoed from the device. “I’ve given orders to have you escorted into the council chambers sans bonds, but I need your guaranteed assurance this will go smoothly.”
            Morgan stared at Aries coldly. “What will guarantee my cooperation?”
            “The assurance that your soldier, Delta, will get the needed medical care,” Cenz threw out.
            Morgan sneered coldly. “Soldiers die all the time.”
            Aries looked horrified by her answer.
            “You would risk your squad member?” Cenz challenged.
            “I do when they’re already dead,” Morgan replied.
            A brief silence greeted her. Had she guessed right? She gazed at all the men in the room hoping to catch a give away. “You have others in your squad,” he reminded her. “We can make it uncomfortable for them.”
            “We torture our own soldiers enough to prepare them for days like this,” she sneered. “Death is not new to us, nor is it a useful deterrent.”
            “If you want me to behave, just ask me,” she said. “I’ll play nice – for now. This is my word as a General and Soldier.”
            Everyone awaited Cenzo’s reply. Aries stared down at the device also waiting.
            “Alright,” he finally answered. “I have your word, and the SOS order will stay. Initiate the transfer.”
            Morgan watched as the guards proceeded to surround her at safe distances. Aries checked the group and assured the perimeter had been set. He clicked his communicator again to say, “Mongoose is moving.”
            Soon they were winding their way out of the barge. Each check point increased the number of soldiers. As they neared the entrance of the barge Morgan could hear a low rumble, a sound akin to a chorus of rubber slamming the pavement. It grew with each step she took toward the hatch. Aries was busy checking in with each interval. She could hear things like, “Mongoose is still in place”, “Mongoose is reaching daylight”. Finally, they reached the last set of exit doors. The sound was now engulfing them. It sizzled and steamed from beneath the doors and as they opened a hot, unyielding air swooshed over her.
            As her eyes adjusted to the light, Morgan was treated to the harshest welcome of her life. Spread across the entire loading dock was a sea of Spryten soldiers, hundreds upon hundreds deep, with all forms of armament aimed her way. She gazed from face to face and could see they were taking the SOS order seriously. Morgan actually felt honored that she instilled that much fear in men who themselves were feared by the universe. Aries nudged her forward, causing a uniformed parting of guards.
            Alas, she had made her descent into the nest of vipers.

Friday, January 14, 2011

Chapter 9: Hellcat Fury

            Morgan sensed the approach. She had been anticipating it since she had freed herself from the neuro-cuffs. She also sensed it was not a solo visit she was about to receive. No matter. She could handle whatever came through those metal hold doors. She counted down in her head, hoping to squelch her need to do some serious damage. She wouldn’t be foolish. She merely wanted them to feel her sting. Her mind quickly scanned her visitors and much to her chagrin, she would be denied her call for vengeance after all. The undeserving traveled in groups. With a sigh, she maintained her Zen like meditation in the corner.
            The hold doors slid open and a half dozen troops filed in with weapons trained on the empty space above. To their surprise, Morgan sat in the corner of the hold, cross legged, arms resting on her knees, and quiet. They had fully expected her to be chained to the ceiling as they had left her, but there she sat – waiting.
            Cenzo stepped into the hold. He paused only for a moment to assess her new location then strode over to the general as if nothing seemed amiss. He stood before her contemplating how he would deliver the news; unsure how to gage her reaction. Her lieutenant’s words echoed in his head: …it would be wise to bring back up.  There he stood now with half a dozen soldiers at his back, but a serene prisoner before him. He took a deep breath and exhaled the sigh.
            “General Morgan-” he began.
            “I take it you have news that won’t go over well with me?” she interrupted. “Hence the back up?”
            Struck by the fact she had read his thoughts, Cenzo did not like the implication in her voice that said he could not handle her without help. He squared his broad shoulders and squinted down at the hellion. “Experience has taught us that you don’t respond well to any visitors in your cell,” he threw back. “It has been deemed necessary to keep you penned in.”
            “Whatever,” Morgan returned, opening her eyes to glare at the Spryten general.
            A sharp chill ran through him as her eyes bore into his. Despite the fire that shone in her umber eyes, it was filled with a freezing ire that could only be described as infernal rage. She wanted to do damage and was hard pressed to hold herself back. Now, Vollo’s words resounded even more prominently in his head. She couldn’t know what was happening. Could she?
            “It seems there was an incident with one of your soldiers,” he began to explain. “We’ve defused the situation, but your trooper is currently under the care of my personal physician-“
            “And the parties involved?” Morgan demanded.
            “An investigation has been launched and I will personally reprimand the soldiers involved,” he assured her.
            Morgan’s eyes glinted in rage. The solution was not to her liking. Without preamble, she rose from the corner, prompting the soldiers to cock their weapons in readiness. “Why an investigation?” she demanded with a quiet reserve. “Don’t you have the culprits in hand?”
            “Spryten military law demands that we investigate each incident,” he informed her. “These men are innocent until proven guilty.”
            “So, they’ll walk about as if they’d done nothing wrong,” she said stepping closer, feeling the laser scopes trail her every move.
            “I’ve ordered them locked in their quarters,” he assured her not backing down from her approach.
            A sneer crossed her lips as if that had not satisfied her. She stepped back to take in Cenzo. She immediately noted the bruised knuckles. Her eyes met his, curiously amused. “Those weren’t there earlier,” she noted. “I take it you had your own judgment handed down.”
            Cenzo tucked his hands behind his back, hiding the evidence of his disapproval of his men. “Don’t concern yourself with it,” he threw back.
            He noticed to the second when the freezing fire ebbed out of her eyes. Her anger was far more controlled. He turned to his soldiers to order, “Stand down, men. Two will remain, four outside the hold. Tell the rest to maintain a perimeter on the hold floor in teams of two.”
            “Yes, sir!” the uttered immediately dispersing.
            Once the hold had cleared up, Cenzo indicated to the two remaining soldiers to back far away from them to insure a semblance of privacy. The guards quickly stationed themselves at the doors at the ready. Cenzo stepped forward, towering over the Messian general.
            “Why did you not declare that you had other women in your troop?” he asked sternly. “Universal law of war requires you or your lieutenant to reveal their gender to avoid such incidents.”
            “It wasn’t like we had a chance,” Morgan threw back. “Hell, you still were trying to get your head around my being a woman.”
            “Still, this could have been avoided,” Cenzo began with an edge of annoyance.
            “No! Your men should’ve been better trained,” she shot back with more fire. “If they were more like soldiers than wolves, my man-“
            “Would not have been attacked,” she finished. “But then again, they are a product of your empire’s teachings. Women are no more than a hole, an incubation chamber for your seeds. I wonder, do you pen them up like cows or let them roam around like chickens?”
            Cenzo simmered with sheer annoyance. How dare this little imp insult his people? Women were sheltered from the horrors of war and treated like treasures in his land. There were a few men who took them for granted, but he was sure that even Messians had their like offenders. “I guess we all can’t be gender confused militants like your Messians,” he cut coldly. “Do your women even know what a dick is used for?”
            At his quip, Morgan actually laughed heartily, replying, “Oh, trust me. You would give your right nut to find out.” Then with a wicked sneer, “Or better yet, ask one of those wolves you called a soldier.”
            By reflex, Cenzo’s hand rose to strike at her comment, but to his credit he immediately backed down. “You’re lucky I feel merciful.”
            “Should I?” she snipped. “I was looking forward to exerting some of this rage.”
            Cenzo squared off again in a defensive stance. “I’ve assured you that your soldier has been taken care of and that an investigation has been started. I would suggest you try to be a good prisoner and leave it at that.”
            Morgan met him stance for stance, her fists resting firmly on her hips. “For now, Spryten,” she assured. “Just make sure none of those men make their way to this hold or they may not make their ‘trial’.”
            Cenzo had no doubt that Morgan meant what she said. He knew the men were safely tucked away in their bunks, but he had a feeling he needed to keep this ferocious feline firmly in her place before she unleashed her claws. He turned on his heels to leave the hold, noting to himself to keep the extra guards in place. Then he remembered her restraints.
            “How did you get out of your bonds?” he demanded swinging back around.
            Morgan smiled and shrugged. “Electrical malfunction? One minute I’m hanging from the ceiling, the next, I’m on the floor. You should really have the wiring on this barge checked.”
            Cenzo glanced up at the neuro-cuffs suspiciously then shook his head. “I will have one my mechanics come check it in the morning,” he assured her before making his final turn to leave, thinking to himself, I’ll also have Aries pull the surveillance tapes.
            Hope you like what you see.

Monday, January 10, 2011

Chapter 8: Rude Awakenings

Morgan gasped out of her sleep. Once she recognized her surroundings, all she could hear was her ragged breathing bouncing off the walls of the hold. She had been in the grips of a nightmare, or had it been a vision. Within the dream realm, her brother, El Mar, had been calling out to her desperately. He was as she had left him at the palace, pouting that she had to go on another stupid mission and how stupid this war was that took all of his sister’s time from him. Since the Tragedy, El Mar had clung to Morgan more like a son than a sibling, despite only a four year age difference between them. This was a side effect of his trauma.
The psychologists and counselors had tried their hardest to right the prince, but there was no help for him. He simply refused to leave the safe haven of childhood. In his mind, he would always be a ten year old. It frustrated Morgan only a little and she allowed her brother certain licenses, but she was also firm with him when the occasion called for his maturity. Morgan was the only person he would listen to. Not even his father, the rightful Emperor, could command the authority his sister did over him.
However, in the dream, his frantic cries indicated something in the distance between them. Morgan focused her sights hard, but the image was fuzz and grainy. They appeared to be soldiers – Spryten soldiers. They were writhing about like sharks in frenzy. She drew nearer to the carnage as El Mar drew closer to her; his voice pulsing in her ear.
“Save her, Morghana,” he pleaded. “Please, stop the bad men.”
Morgan was unsure who her brother was referring to. Was it their mother? Many times, El Mar had invaded her sleep with his own nightmare of the Tragedy. But this didn’t look like the same layout. Soon, the grain began to clear, helping her piece the surroundings together. By the look of it, this was another part of the barge. Maybe another hold? It was dimly lit, but there was enough light for Morgan to make out the shadows of her troops surrounding her. However, someone was missing. Where was Delta? Suddenly, the pit in her stomach deepened and it began to fill with an uncontrollable rage. The frenzy before her was the soldiers – raping Delta.
She stood frozen watching the attack. The Sprytens faces were a mask of malice and delight. The animalistic grunts and groans echoed through the hold grating on Morgan’s nerves. Their movements ebbed and flowed in a savage dance over Delta’s body. Why didn’t she fight back? Why did she look paralyzed?
Breaking through her trance, Morgan glared around the hold looking for a weapon. Finding none, she prepared to charge the men with all her fury and power, but an equally stronger jolt forced her back. She shook off the shock and prepared again to mount her attack when El Mar grabbed his sister’s shoulder.
“No, Ghana,” he said. “This field is too strong for you. You’re going to need my help. Take my hand. Use my power.”
Morgan looked down at her brother’s hand and didn’t hesitate to take it. Her anger was that deep. Grasping it tight she charged forward again, only to be halted by another voice.
“NO!” it screamed. “Don’t!”
“Stop, general!” another echoed.
Letting go of El Mar’s hand, she sought out the voices, immediately recognizing them. “Vollo? Ava?”
“Oh, the Fates, she can hear me,” Vollo sighed, then quickly added, “If you try to stop them it could kill you and her both. I don’t know how you broke the neuro-bonds, but anything you do will cause harm. Just take a look at Shogun.”
Morgan’s eyes swiveled immediately to the giant, who still lay unconscious. She returned to Vollo, “What can I do?”
“Vollo, you are asking me to walk away,” she gritted.
“This is the mission we signed up for, general,” he reminded her. “The fact you have broken the level plain they had established means there is a way around it. Take that knowledge back to the base and see what they can do.”
“But I didn’t break this plain as much as I had tried,” she dashed his hopes. “El Mar brought me here.”
“How could he?” Vollo inquired. “He’s not capable of soul projection. Is he?”
“Believe it or not, El Mar is far more capable than his mind allows,” she assured him, causing El Mar to bashfully smile behind her. “But back to Delta. How…”
“Leave,” Vollo ordered his commanding officer.
“Leave!” he bellowed, just as another shockwave over took them.
Morgan felt the bolts of electricity fizzle through her veins and she was ripped apart from El Mar, who promptly vanished from sight. That’s when she had awakened in the hold wondering if it all had really happened or had she been having a nightmare. She shook her head of the ache pounding within. She glanced up at the neuro-cuffs holding her to the ceiling. Frustrated, she brought her hands together and sent out a reverse wave through them. A small explosion released the cuffs, depositing her to the floor with finesse.
She rubbed her wrists gently while glancing about the hold. Picking an arbitrary corner, Morgan sat down and closed her eyes. Maybe now she could get some shut eye. Vollo was right. There was nothing she could do; at least not until she got a hold of Ginza to relay this new information. However, she was reserving her vengeance as surely as Vollo and the others. Those soldiers would not make it far into the week without some Messian retribution.

Cenzo was waking from his brief nap in his quarters. As he rolled out of his bunk, the buzzer from his door sounded indicating the arrival of someone. He pressed the release lock, causing it to slide open. Aries immediately marched in looking somewhat perturbed. He stood before his friend unsure.
“Spit it out,” Cenzo ground out, not liking how his senses grew defensive.
“We have a problem,” Aries relayed.
Cenzo shrugged into a fresh, black tank then his Spryten issued general’s coat. “What?”
“You have to see it to believe it,” Aries replied, turning on his heels to lead the way.
Cenzo reluctantly followed not liking the sound of this one bit. He fell into step with Aries as they headed down into the bowels of the barge to the secondary holds. Guards were standing armed and ready along the path. He had asked for more guards around the perimeter, because of the special cargo they were transporting. They merely nodded their acknowledgements. Some couldn’t make eye contact with their general as he headed into the large hold. Once the door slid shut, they heard a string of curses that set off a chain of winces down the line.
“Who the fuck is responsible for this?” he bellowed. “Aries, I want fucking answers now!”
“We are in the process of reviewing the tapes, General,” Aries assured him. “It looks like they discovered the female among the troops. The medic on call says she’s barely breathing and has suffered extensive wounds to her midsection and lacerations to the face.”
Cenzo gripped his dreads viciously wishing it was the guilty parties’ collective necks. He glared down at the crumpled mess before him. How was he ever going to explain this in a report? He’d never had it happen before even when they had captured other soldiers. His eyes scanned the crowd looking for a guilty face. They all stood stoically before him; many in various degrees of dress. He saw one soldier in particular that didn’t appear guilty enough for his taste despite the clear evidence he had whole heartedly participated in the act.
Cenzo surprised him by gripping his throat tightly, fiercely yanking him to meet his gaze. “Tell me that’s not a smirk on that face, soldier?” he growled coldly.
“No sir!” the soldier replied quickly looking remorseful.
“Explain yourself!” he demanded shaking him.
“The prisoner asked for it, sir!” the soldier replied.
“For this?” Cenzo bellowed pointing him toward the mangled body.
“She’s nothing more than a Messian dog, sir!” the soldier prattled on lamely like a child caught with their hand in a cook jar. “If she plans to fight with the big boys, then she should be able to take what comes with the territory.”
A rage filled Cenzo. He had heard of such thoughts running through the Spryten troops, but never blatantly voiced to his face. He glanced at Aries who looked just as appalled by the soldier’s response.
“And you believe this is what she deserved?” Cenzo asked with an eerily calm tone. “So, because of her gender, this is the punishment she receives as an imprisoned soldier.”
Fearful of the steely look in his general’s eyes, the soldier stupidly nodded his response.
Cenzo merely shrugged in response, the storm brewing faster and harder behind his eyes. Suddenly, with a gut-churning yell resounding from him, he mercilessly slugged the soldier repeatedly till his nose was no longer noticeable and he was out cold. Defused of his anger, Cenzo turned and addressed the other culprits.
“When Aries has reviewed the tapes and has compiled the guilty parties, I will personally deal with you,” he vowed. “You fools don’t realize the amount of trouble you will bring your King and his Royal Court if this leaks out to the Universal Council. Heads will roll and it sure hell will not be mine. Guards, confine them to their rooms!”
“Yes, sir,” the men complied marching the men out. Two soldiers quickly swooped up the downed man and dragged him out. Another pair carried the Messian soldier out on a stretcher to the medic quarters.
Once the room had cleared, Cenzo slammed his fist repeatedly against the wall. Aries tried to grab his arm but was shoved away for his trouble. His rage safely banked, Cenzo closed his eyes and tried to steady his breath. He had never lost that kind of control before, but that scene had set something primitive off in him. He realized that in their society women were treated more like possessions rather than equals, but he never would have dreamed that this kind of carnage existed in his ranks. His own naïveté he guessed. He would never let it happen again.
“Cenz-” Aries began.
“Go check on the status of that Messian soldier,” he ordered daring Aries not to press him. “Return to me with a full report from Crush.”
“Yes, sir,” he said leaving the hold.
Alone, Cenzo could feel the anger further defuse from his body. His breathing had returned to normal. Inhaling sharply, he blew the air back out with just as much force. He glanced at the other Messian soldiers in the room and realized they had witnessed this whole scene and had been powerless to stop his troops. He couldn’t even fathom the anger that must’ve instilled or, worse yet, the rage. From the stories he heard, Messian soldiers were fiercely loyal and went into blind frenzies to avenge a fallen comrade.
Walking over to one soldier, he stared at him with a look of deep remorse and condolence. The soldier was dressed in leather cargos and a fitted sleeveless shirt. His arms were bunched with tightened muscles and decorated with a maze of tattoos. His hair was a crisscross of cornrows that lay elegantly down his back. His eyes, a mixture of emerald green and topaz, rimmed with unrequited rage.
Reading his stats on the monitor, he realized this was Morgan’s second in command, Vollo Vartaine. Unsure why, but Cenzo felt compelled to offer the man a chance to voice his anger. Locating the proper switch he eased the suspension on the man.
He cleared his throat and began introductions, “I’m Vicenz-”
“I know who you are,” Vartaine quickly assured him. “What I want to know is what will be done to our man?”
Cenzo nodded slowly his understanding and replied, “I will have my own personal physician tend her and report back to you and your general.”
Vollo digested what he said and added, “And the men responsible?”
“I will have internal charges brought before them,” he assured. “But that’s all you may get.”
“I guess under the circumstance that is all we could ask for,” Vollo agreed. “Will you notify my general?”
“Yes,” Cenzo reassured him. “I’ll leave now and tell her.”
“How will you ensure this will not happen again, General Napoleon? We have another female,” Vollo revealed.
Cenzo met his gaze sternly and vowed, “Trust me. It won’t.”
Cenzo started to punch in the suspension sequence when Vollo added, “I’d be careful when entering the general’s quarters.”
This steadied his hands and brought his eyes colliding with the lieutenant’s. “Why is that?”
“Just be warned, General. A bound between a Messian soldier and commander is very deep and it would be wise to bring back up,” he said, repositioning himself for the suspension, saying no more.
Not wishing to push him further, Cenzo turned the switch which froze the soldier in place. He turned on his heels and left to face… what exactly?