Friday, December 10, 2010

Chapter 5: Snake’s Embrace

            Cenzo’s blood boiled as he trailed Morgan through the halls of the barge. Again, his enemy had outsmarted him; on his own turf, no less. The events that had transpired in the last minutes were beginning to make his head hurt. The doctor’s words began to haunt him like a nagging wife. He could use some painkillers right about now. The worse of his thoughts were his soldiers getting a view of Morgan’s half naked body scurrying from hall to hall. Damn, the woman had no shame about her nakedness, flaunted it with pride, in fact.
            He couldn’t help but admit to himself that her chiseled frame had sparked an instant attraction. He had never seen a woman’s body so taut. The indentation of her muscles framed fluidly over sturdy bones. As he watched her now round a corner, he noted the strong curve of her full buttocks and lithe shape of her legs. Legs he wouldn’t mind wrapping around his hips if the circumstances were different. He shook his head of his lusty thoughts and began to devise a plan on how to get the chicken back in her coup.
            He tapped his ear communicator to alert his troops, “All available soldiers on Level 5, I need a blockade of Section D. I repeat I need a lock down unit in Section D. Now!” he ordered, kicking up his pace.
“Lock down unit on its way, General,” a voice came over on the earlink.
Cenzo rounded the corner Morgan had just left and was hit by a hefty surprise; Morgan’s boot to be exact. Temporarily stunned, Cenzo bounded backwards clutching his jaw. When his eyes readjusted, there was no sign of Morgan.
“What the fuck?” he swore, rubbing his aching face.
Suddenly, he was kicked from behind, causing him to fall forward on the metal floor grids. He turned quickly to catch Morgan’s wrist before more damage could be done. With heavy force he slammed his other fist into her abdomen, sending the Messian general hurling back. She quickly recovered and bolted back from whence she came. Cenzo growled angrily at his stupid move and resumed his chase.
Tapping his earpiece angrily, he growled, “Damn it, I need this Section locked down. Where the hell are my men?!”
“We’ve initiated lock down sequences, sir,” the soldier responded. “A group of men are heading in your direction.”
“Well, this bitch is slippery,” he said, tracking Morgan. “I need a set of men to double the guards in the secondary hold. If I can keep her on this floor, the better it will be for all of us.”
“Yes, sir,” the soldier replied.
Cenzo was coming to another corner. Not one to be fooled twice, he slowed his pace enough to execute a drop roll. As predicted Morgan had issued another flying kick, only to hit air. Suddenly, she was tossed on her back, when Cenzo took hold of her leg and yanked it out from under her. She fell with a resounding thud on the metal grid. Cenzo quickly scrambled on top of Morgan, who was already trying to squirm out of his hold. His broad chest covered hers easily and his thick legs tangled hers up nicely. He was nose to nose with her and could smell the perspiration she had built up from their chase. It was heady and embracing.
Again, he was hit hard by his attraction for his nemesis. His body was reacting to the closeness and the heavy breathing. Her breasts were inadvertently rubbing his chest with a steady rhythm as she tried to catch her laboring breath. He stared at her parted lips as if looking into the eyes of a cobra. Lush but deadly. He wanted to taste them, mold them to his in a passionate kiss. Did she taste salty or sweet?
Morgan used his current state of distraction to soundly head-butt him from his daydreams. The move did nothing to dislodge him, but it did do enough to shake his current bout of lusty thoughts. He grabbed hold of her wrists and tightened the pressure on her legs with his own. He felt blood trickle down over his lip. Damnit, the little hellion made his nose bleed. What was her head made of? Granite?
“Will you just cut the shit for two seconds?” he growled.
“Ha! You forget who you’re dealing with,” Morgan spit back.
“Oh no, I know who I’m dealing with,” he reminded her. “Someone who’s in no position to be struggling if she wants to make it back to the palace in one piece.”
“How do I know you mean to keep me in one piece?” she threw back.
“A little something you said,” he said, staring her down. “I insure your safety, you insure my answers. Is that not what you said?”
A snaky grin formed on Morgan’s lips, as she confirmed her earlier words, “I did say that. Thought it would’ve been wiped out by that blast we took.”
“Oh, General, trust me, I have a lot of questions and they seem to be piling up by the minute,” Cenzo assured her, hauling her up from the floor as his men approached with trained guns on her. “I’m going to get my answers and then I’m going to get my revenge.”
“That’s if the answers don’t confirm my innocence,” she threw back.
Cenzo gave her a sideways glance, “Clearing you of one crime won’t clear you of your other crimes.”
“I think it will,” she alluded with an icy smile. “Catching me was like finding the key to Pandora’s Box. Are you sure you want to unlock its contents?”
“You know, I’ve had just about enough of your shit for one day,” Cenzo snarled, yanking her by the neck like a wayward child. “One more word out of you and all bets are off.”
Morgan met his gaze with a sultry one and without warning smashed her lips against his. He was completely thrown as he felt her lush tongue break through his lips and duel with his. His body recharged it awareness of hers. It was like a jolt right to his manhood. His earlier wonderings had been answered. She was sweet. Despite the sweat and the hardness, her lips tasted like sugar water. Before the charge she issued could fully arouse him, Morgan snapped away and uttered in his ear, “I believe I answered one of your quandaries. Did I taste good, General?”
With that, Cenzo hurled her coldly toward the approaching guards, ordering them to neuro-cuff her and throw away the key. He needed to restore his dignity after her final insult. He also ordered them to do a full body search and scan to insure no more escapes. As he watched them roughly haul her away, he had an overwhelming urge to drag her back to him and taste her some more. His body was still jolting from her lips and his tongue still felt tingles from her own. When she glanced back at him, Morgan air-kissed him wickedly as his men took her back to her coup.
Alone in the deserted hall, staring at the empty space she had occupied, Cenzo uttered to himself, “Yeah – you do.”

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